Most frequent question answer

our courses are addressed to those who are interested
mainly addressed to women
age limit 40 – 45 years
hearers admitted
course frequency accordance at enrolment
maximum schedule flexibility – evening and weekend included
each course maximum applicant number: 20
course beginning: always
inferior high school degree
foreign language basic knowledge ( for destination abroad )
phisical ( mainly hand ) disability absence
course lenght: 4-6 to 8 weeks according to the frequency chosen
no prior gaming knowledge required
C.F.C. introduces you directly to Casinos or/and cruise ships
that are to recruit gaming personnel at course completed
many requests from cruise ships
C.F.C. new site:
see multimedia for the reference you seek
courses location:
Milano – Abano Terme – Roma – Torino – London –
criminal record must be ok.
summer courses only if required
all our instructors have a proved curriculum
as dealers and Casino managers
for next selection apply via e mail and indicate
the city you prefer